2019 Sunil Simon’s visit to LORIA

During his visit to LORIA, Sunil Simon worked with Hans van Ditmarsch on the topic of boolean games, in a novel incarnation more closely related to dynamic epistemic logic. In boolean games (van der Hoek, Harrenstein, Lang, and many others) the strategic power of a player consists of making the variables under her control true or false. The goals of the players are booleans containing variables of arbitrary players. Existence of equilibria and complexity are frequent targets of investigations. Simon and van Ditmarsch investigate the following variation: instead of players controlling the value of their local variables, players observe the value of their local variables and control to which other players they reveal/announce such variables. Again, existence of equilibria and complexity are targets of the investigation. There is also an embedding of the ‘traditional’ boolean games into this kind of game. The work is related to prior work by van Ditmarsch on the topic, also involving other collaborators, known as Knowledge Games or Public Announcement Games. Such epistemic variations have also recently been considered by, for example, Wooldridge and collaborators, and Herzig and collaborators.