Summer Topology Conference 2016

I have already said I would be at the Galway Colloquium in Leicester, UK, on Monday, August 1st, 2016. Right after that, I will participate to the 2016 Summer Topology Conference—same place, from Tuesday to Friday.

I will give a talk on Noetherian spaces. They form Section 9.7 of the book, and I will try to make an accessible introduction to the view expounded there, that they form a natural topological generalization of the notion of well-quasi-ordering. The pièce de résistance will be the topological Higman lemma, of which I will attempt to give a complete proof during the talk.  I will also talk about applications in computer science, finite representations of open and closed subsets, and the curious case of the powerset of a Noetherian space.  You can find the slides here.  See you there!

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